Star Wars Universum


The first Sith The founding of the modern Sith Order

In order to tell a gripping and engaging story, you always need strong, threatening and, in the best case, mysterious antagonists in addition to interesting protagonists. The battle of good versus evil forms the foundation for exciting stories in every narrative. This is also reflected in the Star Wars epic in the form of Jedi and their pondon the Sith. The latter are considered to be particularly merciless, ruthless and powerful and can only make decisions in one direction to an extreme extent. But the most striking characteristic: one is more evil than the other! The most famous Sith are undoubtedly the Emperor Darth Siddius and his loyal sidekick Darth Vader.

But who founded the Sith Order and thus laid the foundation for the most evil and threatening movement in the entire Star Wars cosmos?

Chapter 1

The story of Ajunta Pall

Ajunta Pall was one of the most influential Jedi the galaxy has ever seen. The former Jedi was the founder of the traditional Sith Order, laying the foundation for a vicious movement that would spread fear and terror wherever the Sith followers went!

Ajunta Pall was a Force-sensitive human who was also a member of the Jedi Order. During his training, he became familiar with all the teachings of the Force and even attained the rank of “Jedi Master”.

Chapter 2


Alongside his successful career as a Jedi Master, which earned him great popularity, Pall began to study alchemy. A decision that would fundamentally change his life! Through his studies, he discovered the secret of creating life and shaping it to his liking. However, Ajunta Pall’s groundbreaking findings were viewed with great indignation by the Jedi Order, who saw his research and discoveries as an abomination of the Force and therefore attempted to destroy all his records and research! As a result, the Jedi Council placed a ban on the teachings of Pall and his followers. Likewise, the Jedi now viewed their former comrade as a servant of the dark side!

Chapter 3


Angry and misunderstood, the former Jedi and his followers declared war on his former companions! This went down in the history of the Star Wars epic as the “100-year war”.

When Ajunta Pall and his followers defeated more than a dozen Jedi in the final battle of the war on Korbus alone, the newly founded group was at the height of its power. Nevertheless, they could not withstand the Jedi’s superior numbers in the long run. Captured by his former companions, Pall and his followers were disarmed and banished from the Republic galaxy. So Pall’s exiled followers began their search for a new home planet until they came across Coriban in Autharim. The planet was desolate, devastated and gave the impression that it harbored no life forms whatsoever. When Ajunta and his followers tried to claim the planet for themselves, the still small group of former Jedi discovered a Force-sensitive species that called themselves “Sith”.

Chapter 4

Discovery of the Sith

The Sith are an alien species of the galaxy, visually characterized by reddish skin and tentacles. The species is known to use the Dark Side of the Force, although their abilities are no match for those of the former Jedi! Ajunta Pall tried to gain all their knowledge and subdue them. During this endeavor, Pall managed to trick the leader of the Sith into siding with him, with the result that the king of their organization was betrayed and personally executed by Pall. Later in the story, the Sith species movement, led by Pall, became interested in the technology and starships of the Dark Jedi. They also admired their ability to manipulate the Force, which quickly led to them worshipping visitors to their planet and viewing them as gods.

Ajunta Pall and his kin subjugated the natives and his new Sith subjects came to revere him as “Jen Ari” (dark lord).

Chapter 5

Foundation of the Sith Empire

Later, Jen Ari, previously known as Ajunta Pall, founded the Sith Empire and expanded it to surrounding worlds.

First they took over Syost, creating it as their capital and Pall’s new homeworld.

After decades of service to his empire, the founder of the Sith Empire eventually died, but his empire lived on under his visions. The body of the founder of a movement that later spread fear and terror was brought back to Coriban, where it was placed in a monstrous tomb in the “Valley of the Dark Lords”.

Despite the large number of Sith, the powerful and vicious group never managed to maintain as well-structured an order as their enemy, the Jedi.

Ascent at all costs

Philosophy of the Sith

Chapter 6

Discovery of the Sith

Any rigid structure irrevocably collapsed under them over time as ambitious Sith Lords vied for control. Thus, coups and intrigue were a constant companion to the Sith, which subsequently damaged cohesion and was the downfall of their original attempt to dominate the galaxy millennia before the modern era. Although their bid to conquer the Republic almost succeeded, internal strife only hastened their downfall and they were nearly defeated by the Jedi Order. In addition to the internal strife that pushed the movement to the brink of extinction, the few that survived laid the foundation for the return of the Order and, subsequently, Palpatine’s rise to power.

Chapter 7

Who are the Sith?

The Sith are an order discovered by a group of former Jedi who discovered the raw power that could be achieved through devotion to the dark side. 

Legend of the galaxy

In connection with the founding of the Sith Order, the “Legend of the Galaxy” is also repeatedly brought up: According to the Legend of the Galaxy, the Jedi Order suffered an extreme schism thousands of years ago. From the ashes rose a hostile sect dedicated to the glory of the dark side. This sect did not share what they saw as the Jedi’s myopic view of the Force. Rather, they used the dark side of the Force to their own advantage, which also led them to a short-term victory!

Chapter 8

Palpatine's rise to power

Darth Bane, a later leader of the Sith, introduces “the rule of two” as the rule of Sith leadership. According to this rule, there should only ever be two Sith Lords in the top leadership level at any one time.

One who strives for power and one who exercises it!

For thousands of years, the Sith operated in secret with this new theory, undermining the Jedi in their sphere of action and influence. When Chancellor Palpatine revealed himself as the new Emperor in the film Star Wars Episode 3 of the prequel tribology, a new era of the Sith began. But that’s a story all of its own…

How do you feel about the Sith? What did you think of the creation of the Sith and who is your favorite Sith?

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