What if Padme had survived?
Fan Theorie Padmé has survived What if fictional Post “Anakin, I love you with all my heart, and before we die, I wanted you to know that…” Padmé Amidala to Anakin Skywalker Star Wars Episode 3 Attack of the Clones The dramaturgy surrounding Anakin/Darth Vader could not have taken a more tragic course. The chosen Jedi is to become the most powerful of all. Qui-Gon Jinn was indirectly right with his vision when he decided to train the young Anikin Skywalker as a Jedi. However, he had not seen his young Padawan’s career coming like this. One stroke of fate followed another until Anikin finally joined the Dark Side, consumed by hatred. But what if things had turned out differently? What if Anaki’s great love Padmé hadn’t died? Chapter 1 PADMÉ IS ALIVE! As we all know, Luke was able to turn his father back to the light side of the Force. However, there could have been one more person who could have converted the fated, renegade Jedi back: His great love Padmé. When she suddenly stood before him, the most powerful Sith in the universe no longer understood the world. His master, the Emperor himself, has lied to him all these years. His love, thought dead, is alive! All the murder and torture of innocent people could have been prevented. The bond of love between the two is still strong. Padmé cannot turn Vader completely away from the Dark Force, but it is possible that she could influence him to reject the Sith Order. Vader apologises to her. She forgives him for his actions, which he did out of frustration at losing her. The two decide to flee. But where to? The Emperor would find them anywhere!Die beiden beschlossen zu fliehen. Doch wohin? Der Imperator würde die beiden überall finden! Chapter 2 NEW BALANCE OF POWER Darth Vader therefore decided to kill his master, the Emperor, as a means to an end, to escape, but also out of personal interest. His beloved Padmé informs the rebels about the plan of the emotionally troubled but already somewhat aged Sith. When Darth Vader met Sidius again, he immediately sensed Vader’s aversion. Vader, who now saw himself as nothing more than a puppet and pawn of his master, tried to conceal his dislike of him – to no avail. A fierce battle ensued, in which Vader ultimately emerged as the clear winner. The arrogance, arrogance and misjudgement of his opponent’s hatred made Palpatine arrogant and ultimately led to him losing the battle. Another advantage Vader had over Palpatine was that he had learnt to deal with frustration, hatred, despair and betrayal over the years. He felt all of this in the battle between master and apprentice. It was a familiar situation, but this time the Jedi, blessed from birth with talent and unbridled power, was able to channel all his hatred and betrayal towards Palpatine and ultimately emerge as the clear winner. Vader is now the new Emperor! His beloved is overjoyed that her almost lost love has emerged victorious from the battle and her plan has worked out. Padmé therefore decides to settle on Corosant with her rebels and found a new Republic there. – Everything seems to be going like a dream…. Do you like this fan theory? You can find more exciting fan theories here More fan theories 3. Kapitel HATE Vader is now the ruler, the emperor. The most powerful warrior of all! He demonstrates this by killing all the rebels with a power attack. His ulterior motive for this action? He wanted to impress Padmé and make her his queen so that they could rule together. However, she only felt aversion and resentment towards the Sith, who was consumed by power and darkness. He was not the one she had fallen in love with. This man was handsome, gentle, sensitive and charming. The former hadn’t been true for a long time, but the fact that Vader was still possessed by the darkness shocked her deeply and made her want to leave Vader and flee. 4. Kapitel PADMÉS DEAD Murder of one’s own love Darth Vader knew how to prevent his lover’s escape attempt and reacted: he had a cell built and locked his queen in it. What kind of life was that? Locked up like in a cage with a tyrant obsessed with power? Deeply affected by the fact that she had been wrong twice about a human being, Padmé put all her eggs in one basket: escape! Desperately, she began an escape attempt, but it failed miserably as soon as she unlocked the gate. Vader, outraged that anyone would defy his orders, lost control and killed his dream girl with a power grab. Anakin was in a daze, not realising what he had just done. It was only hours later that he came to his senses and realised that he had begun the murder of his own great love. All the people who were important to him had now died. And the worst thing for the Emperor of the Galaxy, driven by hatred and despair, was that this murder was only the result of his greed! This despair and grief finally transformed into pure hatred, which now made him the ultimate villain. His plan to call the entire galaxy his subject succeeded and a new era of persecution, torture, surveillance and never-ending torment began… Never miss anything again Register now for the Star Wars Universe newsletter and never miss any news about Star Wars and all the new features on this website! Find out more about our newsletter here! YOU ARE IN DEMAND YOU ARE IN DEMAND YOU ARE IN DEMAND What do you think? How would the plot continue if the story of the Star Wars epic had been told in this direction? Let us know in the comments ! to the comments Information about the author the author | of this post: Star Wars Universe Admin is the main person responsible for the website starwarsuniversum.com The combination of having learnt