Star Wars Universum

What if

Darth Vader would have died during his operation

One of the most iconic and probably most influential battles in the Star Wars universe is the one between disciple and master. Friend against foe. Jedi versus Sith, fought by Anakin Skiwalker in the third movie of the Prequil Trilogy, who had previously been given the new name Darth Vader by his master, and his former master and friend Obi Wan Kenobi. To summarise, Obi Wan Kenobi was able to win the battle despite his poor starting position. Anakin’s legs were separated from his body and caught fire during a choreography that he had arrogantly performed. Obi Wan Kenobi could not bring himself to give his former student and friend the deathblow and so he left him to his fate. Darth Siddius found his apprentice, had him flown to Corussant and performed emergency surgery on his new apprentice.

But what if Darth Vader had not survived this operation?

Chapter 1

Lack of planning

When the Emperor learnt of the incident, he was naturally furious. Darth Siddius was furious and went to the operating theatre, fearing that this key moment could derail his plans, which had been planned down to the last detail. Once there, the emperor simply destroyed everything. He hurled every druid present there, every guard and even Vader’s dead body through the air. His decades-long plan, all foiled. Was it a mistake by the druids? Was Siddius too late? Or did Vader simply want to die himself? The Emperor became more evil than ever.

Chapter 2

New student

The Emperor’s perfidious plan was to fail because he no longer had a pupil, since Count Dooku’s death was also part of this master plan?

That wasn’t quite the case. There was one person in the Star Wars universe who could have challenged Anakin for his place at Palpatine’s side: Darth Maul

He escaped from Siddiu’s captivity and was now in exile. However, it was no problem for the Emperor of the Galaxy to track down the fighter with his legendary double-bladed sword on the planet ‘Malochov 5’.

But how could one justify a breach of trust committed by the Emperor against his former pupil? After all, it was Palpatine himself who was responsible for splitting Darth Maul’s body in two and switching the apprentice to Anakin Skywalker.

At first, the Emperor spoke gently and persuasively to the outcast apprentice. He wanted to appease him by making him believe that all the events that had happened to him were only tests to prove his true strength. He had passed them and could once again act as a disciple alongside the emperor. However, the Sevrek recognised Palpatine’s cunning and perfidious plan. The murderer of Qui Gon Jin had had enough of always standing in the shadow of Darth Vader and being the second choice and attacked the Emperor!

A duel of pure passion and hatred ensued! Initially, the former and outcast apprentice even had the upper hand against the Emperor. However, the leader of the Sith was merely toying with his former pupil, making him believe he had a real chance against him. And so it was that Palpatine showed his true potential and cut off one of Maul’s hands and part of his face. The Emperor could have killed the Savrek on the spot, but he had other plans for him.

So he put Darth Maul’s disfigured body into the armour that had been made for Anakin in case something happened to Darth Vadere one day. The armour not only helped Maul to regain his old strength, Siddius also had complete control over him.

Chapter 3

Rache an Obi Wan

Ultimately, however, the narrative continues as normal from the time of Darth Maul’s transformation into Darth Vader, as described in the canon. Luke and Obi Wan meet Han and Chui and fly to the Death Star to rescue Leya.

Here, however, it is not Anakin or Darth Vader who meets Obi Wan, but Maul! And we all know from the series ‘The Clon Wars’ and the film ‘Solo’ how vengeful Maul was towards Obi Wan Kenobi! As in Star Wars Episode 4, Obi Wan lets himself be killed by Darth Vader.

Chapter 4

Pure hatred

The Sevrek thus got his intrinsic revenge on Obi Wan and was able to put the matter to rest. He is at peace with himself and, after killing kenobi, no longer sees any reason to follow the Emperor, as he has achieved his goal in life.

However, the great Lord of the Sith doesn’t put up with this and immediately strikes Maul down without batting an eyelid. He goes completely mad: Everything he had ever worked for has been undone! The Emperor lost control and went into a dark side rage, unleashing a storm of power the likes of which the galaxy has never seen before. The Emperor destroyed the entire Death Star. What happened to him is still unknown. Perhaps he died! What is certain, however, is that we will see the Emperor again, as he himself had a plan B ready for his eventual demise.

How do you like this fan theory, in which one of the most iconic villains of the movie and comic scene would never have existed, or would have existed in a different form? Would you have welcomed this fundamental change to the Star Wars storyline? And what did you think of Darth Maul as Palpatine’s sidekick in this story? Would he be a more loyal disciple than ‘The Chosen One’ ultimately was? After all, the Savrek had no offspring to convert him. Let’s discuss this in the comments and let me know how you liked this fan theory as well.

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